The world of Marvel Cinematic Universe is constantly expanding, as the Kevin Feige-helmed franchise continues to bring new tales and stories to the screen. So naturally the MCU has been looking for some new talent and Feige has met DC’s Batman Robert Pattinson to discuss a potential role.
While Pattinson has been pretty busy lately and will reprise his fan-favorite Batman role in the Matt Reeves-helmed alternate franchise, it would be great to see him in the MCU as well.
Kevin Feige Reportedly Met Robert Pattinson for a Potential MCU Role
Robert Pattinson might have become a worldwide star when he played a vampire in the Twilight movies, but today, the actor has proven his acting chops with his diverse filmography. While Pattinson has a long list of upcoming work lined up, including recently reteaming up with Christopher Nolan for his yet-to-be-revealed movie (via THR), the actor seems willing to expand his horizons even further.
As reported by the industry insider Daniel Richtman, the DC star reportedly had a meeting with Marvel boss Kevin Feige to discuss a potential role in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Although the details of their meeting remain unknown and we don’t even know if such a meeting was held, it is nonetheless exciting to think that ‘Batman’ might star in the MCU.
Given the vast world of the MCU and the multiple characters yet to be brought to live-action, Pattinson can seamlessly portray quite a few characters with his impeccable acting range. Even fans have been saying for a long time that, if given the chance, Pattinson can be the perfect Cyclops or Molecule Man.
Potential Marvel Roles That Robert Pattinson Could Ace
Marvel Comics has a rich tapestry of characters, ranging from the most normal ones to some of the most powerful characters in the history of comic books. So, if the rumors of Robert Pattinson meeting with Marvel boss Kevin Feige are true, there are a range of characters that The Batman star can ace.
One of the most suggested ones by fans themselves (via X) is Cyclops, the leader of the X-Men. Since the mutant is yet to be brought to live action by the MCU and rumors of the superhero verse finally bringing the mutants to the big screen, Pattinson can ace the character of Scott Summers given his ability to portray complex characters with deep emotional depth and turmoil.
Another potential role is Owen Reece aka the Molecule Man. One of Marvel’s most fascinating characters, he is a supervillain who achieves the near-impossible feat of manipulating matter at the molecule level, becoming one of the most powerful beings in the Marvel comics. Since Pattinson is known to possess a diverse range of acting geniuses, he can potentially bring out the best of Reece while adding nuance to the role.
While fans have been calling for Marvel to cast Pattinson as either of these two characters, there are other possible contenders as well. According to many, Pattinson can also perfectly play characters like Nightcrawler or Ghost Rider, if given the chance. Since these are all speculations and Pattinson is more of a serious actor, we will have to wait and see whether The Batman star will ever step into Marvel territory.