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15 Best Wives To Marry

15 Best Wives To Marry

The setting of The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim may be rather chilly, but the game’s best wives can warm the Dragonborn’s heart. Out of the 66 total marriage candidates, there are 30 female characters that players can romance, regardless of their in-game gender or race. As such, there are plenty of options for anyone to explore – but 15 in particular stand out as the best wives in Skyrim, thanks to their unique personalities, captivating backstories, and specific gameplay advantages. Unfortunately, Skyrim‘s age becomes quite apparent when examining the romance system.

Skyrim‘s marriage system generally feels rather outdated and meaningless, with spouses becoming little more than a source of money and meals for the Dragonborn, rather than having a personality. The immersion that would be gained by having a deeper relationship would greatly add to the game, and possibly reduce the frequency of players wanting to kill their spouses, although that problem could also be fixed by adding a divorce option. Even if divorce was a possibility in the game, there are a few good wives that the Dragonborn would still want to keep around in the game nonetheless.

15 Jordis the Sword-Maiden

Nord Housecarl Warrior

Jordis is not as popular as her brunette look-alike, Lydia. As a Housecarl warrior, though, she makes an excellent follower. Jordis is assigned to the Dragonborn when the player becomes a thane of Solitude. Like all the other Housecarls of Skyrim, Jordis can be married by presenting her with the Amulet of Mara. Jordis is a skilled archer who specializes in using Ancient Nord bows, like the Gauldur Blackbow. She makes a loyal companion and is one of the best wives in the game because of the help she can provide in battle.

14 Ria

Imperial Warrior

Ria is a member of The Companions, the warrior guild of Skyrim. She’s an enthusiastic warrior, since she’s dreamed of being one since she was a little girl. Ria values the familial atmosphere of The Companions (and, in fact, will continue to call the player “Brother” even after marriage). Ria makes a decent follower and is proficient in dual-wielding blades and heavy armor.

However, the reason that she’s so low on the list of the best Skyrim wives is because she has a tendency to disappear and go adventuring on her own. She does return after a few days, as long as she hasn’t been killed on her adventures. Ria makes the perfect wife for any adventurer who wants a bit more space.

13 Orla

Nord Priest

This priestess of Dibella is kindhearted and has some strong values fitting of a priestess of the goddess of love, beauty, and art. In fact, trying to steal from her temple will prompt her to hide bounty hunters to catch them in retaliation. As can be expected, Orla isn’t a fighter and will not become a follower of the Dragonborn. She also will not leave the Temple of Dibella that she resides in, even after marriage. However, speaking with her will award the player a daily income.

12 Shahvee

Argonian Citizen

Don’t let Shahvee’s lizard-like face be a deterrent, as this Argonian worker makes an excellent wife in Skyrim. Shahvee can be found in Windhelm, where she’s worked hard all her life. Shahvee is a merchant, and the player can continue to buy and sell items from her after marriage. She’ll also open a store post-marriage and provide the player with a small daily income.

Shahvee is the only Argonian female who can be married in the game, and she’s well worth it. She has one of the most optimistic and lighthearted personalities of all the wives, despite her difficult upbringing. She tells the player that she’s learned how to be happy with her lot in life, no matter what life throws at her.

11 Borgakh the Steel Heart

Orc Warrior

Borgakh is an adventurous orc and the daughter of Chief Larak of the Orc Stronghold of Mor Khazgur. Her choice to marry the Dragonborn follows some soul-searching, as it means turning her back on the path assigned to her, that of marrying an Orc chief. She has spent much of her life training so she could provide strength for her betrothed, and as such, she’s a useful follower.

Upon marriage, she’s fully equipped with orc weapons and armor, and knows how to use them. Surprisingly, Borgakh also knows how to sneak, in spite of all her equipment. This makes her a versatile fighter and also useful in more delicate circumstances, when stealth is required.

10 Jenassa

Dunmer Mercenary Ranger

Being a cold-blooded mercenary who spends her time murdering folk or drinking at the Drunken Huntsman, Jenassa is not for the faint of heart. This dark elf makes it quite clear that killing is her passion – pridefully referring to death as a form of art – but those who are willing to put her violent tendencies aside won’t be disappointed. Jenassa is one of the few marriage candidates who doubles as an active follower, which already gives her an advantage over other wives in Skyrim.

Her thirst for blood also means that she’s one of even fewer characters who don’t have an outright morality system. On one hand, this sounds like a very bad characteristic to have in a spouse, but it also means that she isn’t going to judge the main character for any crimes or even murders they commit. She is also a willing accomplice to help with crimes when needed, and her unmatched loyalty makes her a good follower in Skyrim, as well as a very helpful wife.

9 Ysolda

Nord Merchant

Those who value Jenassa’s devotion but are looking for someone a bit less unhinged may be fans of Ysolda, the thrifty merchant from Whiterun. She dreams of one day owning the best trading cart in all of Skyrim, and she works relentlessly towards that goal. She also demonstrates her good character and considerably more respectable morals through her willingness to trade with the Khajiit, despite their reputation.

Ysolda’s aptitude for business would ensure that there’s always food on the table, even when the Dragonborn is off adventuring for days at a time, so long as players are accepting of the secret Skooma trades she dabbles in on the side. Overall, Ysolda is one of the most intelligent and hard-working wives the Dragonborn could hope for in all of Skyrim.

8 Lydia

Nord Housecarl Warrior

Lydia is often overlooked when considering marriage partners and romance options, as she is often the first follower, companion, and Thane to be unlocked in Skyrim. This Whiterun woman deserves a shot though, as she is incredibly caring, brave, and one of the few romance options to feature unique dialogue and deep conversations to explore. Lydia is willing to risk her life for the Dragonborn on a whim and becomes one of the game’s more complex characters once players get to know her. Plus, Lydia’s loyalty can even transcend death in Skyrim, and so her love lasts for several lifetimes (literally).

7 Senna

Breton Priestess Of Dibella

Being an agent of Dibella, Senna is a priestess for the goddess of beauty and love, which makes her an easy pick for one of Skyrim‘s best wives. After all, she spends her time studying and celebrating the art of romance, and so it’s safe to assume that she’s likely one of the most passionate and caring characters in all the land. The player can marry Senna after they complete the “The Heart of Dibella” quest, in which her calm personality and spirituality come to light. Undoubtedly, her soothing nature would be invaluable to the Dragonborn after a long, stressful night of killing bandits and draugr.

6 Camilla Valerius

Imperial Pawnbroker

It’s no secret that Camilla, the co-owner of the Riverwood Trader, has two men adamantly after her heart. But while players can help either Faendal or Sven woo the Nord woman during the quest “A Lovely Letter,” there is another option that players could pursue. Rather than helping either man, the Dragonborn could choose a secret, quite comical, third option that leads to stealing her away for themselves. Since the Riverwood Trader is a booming business, players married to Camilla can enjoy a daily passive income of 100 gold. Additionally, they’ll also have the pleasure of getting to know Camilla better and hearing about her dreams of becoming an adventurer.

5 Mjoll

Nord Warrior

Mjoll The Lioness is one of the most admirable characters and one of the best quest reward followers in Skyrim, but she’s also one that should not be ignored when looking for a perfect marriage candidate. After all, even though she resides in the infamously corrupt and crime-infested city of Riften, she’s unwavering in her goal to make a positive change and fight for justice. Her tenacity, determined nature, and surprisingly adept combat skills make her a powerful ally to have by the Dragonborn’s side, and she maintains the same attitude in all areas of her life, cementing her spot as one of the best wives in Skyrim. With her as a wife, there is no cause for concern over her ability to defend the family while raising the children to be honest and kind-hearted citizens.

4 Sylgja

Nord Miner

Sylgja is injured the first time the player’s character meets her, having recently suffered an accident at her job in the Redbelly Mine. Her tenacity to return to work proves she’s a hardworking woman who’s not afraid to get her hands dirty and showcases her grit and opportunistic mindset. Additionally, Sylgja is only willing to marry the Dragonborn after they graciously do a favor for her family during the “Special Delivery” side quest, rather than allowing for a traditional means of flattery. She puts her loved ones above all else – a sentiment that not only makes her one of the game’s most respectable and realistic characters, but also one of the best wives in Skyrim.

3 Brelyna Maryon

Dunmer Mystic

It can be a bit more challenging to get to know Brelyna Maryon, a student at the College of Winterhold, due to her introverted nature. She is one of the most intriguing characters in the pool of romance options, however, with one of the most interesting backstories out of all the marriage candidates. The reason why Brelyna is one of the brightest students at the College and such a strong mage follower in Skyrim is that her family are powerful mages themselves, hailing from the House of Telvanni. Challenging herself to learn magic outside her homeland, she’s a bright and passionate sorceress, and she only becomes increasingly lovable thanks to her sweet and shy personality. As long as the Dragonborn can find a time to approach her when she is not busy with her studies, she is a wonderful possibility for a wife.

2 Aela The Huntress

Nord Werewolf Thief

Aela The Huntress is one of the most popular wives in Skyrim, and it’s not without good reason. In a world where many women are unable to live out their adventuring dreams, she stands out as a powerful warrior, confident leader, and one of the most fascinating members of the Companions. Her ancestry is deeply rooted in the Whiterun guild, and thus it’s no surprise that she’s the most devoted werewolf in the Circle. As long as players don’t mind Aela’s rather outspoken lycanthropic passion, her unique personality and prowess in battle make her one of Skyrim‘s best wives to marry.

1 Muiri

Breton Apothecary’s Assistant

Markarth is Skyrim‘s most interesting city, and it’s partly because it’s home to Muiri, the best female marriage candidate in the game. Having been betrayed by a friend and unfairly isolated from her family, she seeks vengeance with the help of the Dragonborn. This goal makes her more than just the standard NPC looking for love but proves she’s not one to be trifled with. She’s nothing but a sweetheart to the player, however, making her one of the more well-rounded and dynamic characters.

Muiri is also a skilled alchemist, who can provide the Dragonborn with a supply of valuable potions and ingredients upon marriage. If the player is looking for a woman who is not afraid to speak her mind and handle matters herself – even if it means facing danger to regain her honor – they’ll find that Muiri is easily the best wife in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim.

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