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TNG’s First Big Klingon Episode

TNG’s First Big Klingon Episode

Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) proved to be just as badass as Lt. Worf (Michael Dorn) in this classic Klingon episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation. After initially being relegated to the background in TNG season 1, Worf soon began getting more and more substantial storylines. By Star Trek: The Next Generation season 3, several Worf story arcs had been introduced that would continue to affect the character throughout TNG and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Worf’s complicated relationship with his Klingon heritage became a major aspect of the character as he struggled to reconcile being a Klingon warrior with his duties as a Starfleet officer.

Jean-Luc Picard may be most known for his skills as a diplomat, but the Captain of the USS Enterprise-D could be an action hero when he needed to be. Picard could find a peaceful solution to almost any conflict, only resorting to violence when it was absolutely necessary. Meanwhile, Klingons have never been known for their diplomacy, and Captain Picard had to change tactics when communicating with them. Picard demonstrated how much he cared for his crew members countless times throughout Star Trek: The Next Generation, such as when he supported Worf on the Klingon homeworld of Qo’noS in TNG season 3, episode 17, “Sins of the Father.”

Star Trek: TNG’s First Big Klingon Episode Proves Picard Is Just As Badass As Worf

Picard Proves He Can Face Down Klingons & Hold His Own In A Fight

In Star Trek: The Next Generation‘s “Sins of the Father,” Captain Picard stands beside Worf as he challenges the Klingon High Council. When Worf’s long-lost brother Kurn (Tony Todd) visits the Starship Enterprise as part of the officer exchange program, he reveals that their father, Mogh, has been branded a traitor. A duplicitous Klingon named Duras (Patrick Massett) claims to have found evidence suggesting that Mogh was responsible for the massacre at Khitomer that resulted in the deaths of 4,000 Klingons. Determined to clear his father’s name, Worf then travels to Qo’noS to challenge the Klingon High Council.

While Captain Picard could have let Worf go to Qo’noS alone, he instead takes the USS Enterprise-D to the Klingon homeworld and stands beside Worf. Not only does Picard face the High Council and the Klingon Chancellor without flinching, but he also holds his own against two Klingon assassins. Risking his own safety, Picard ventures into the Old Quarter in search of a witness named Kahlest (Thelma Lee) who could clear Mogh’s name. He is ambushed by two assassins but manages to take down one of the Klingon warriors before the other overwhelms him. Thankfully, Kahlest saves Picard from the final Klingon with a well-aimed knife throw.

Captain Picard Is Always Willing To Fight For His USS Enterprise Crew

Picard Never Lets Down His Crew Members

Captain Picard volunteers to take the USS Enterprise to Qo’noS without hesitation to support Worf, never questioning whether Worf is in the right or not. Picard trusts his Chief of Security and vouches for Worf in front of the Klingon High Council. Facing a room full of angry Klingons, Picard stands tall, raising his voice just as the Klingons do, intoning that Worf has “earned my admiration and my respect.” Even the Klingons acknowledge that the “trust of a commanding officer is admirable.”

Picard and the rest of the Enterprise crew then spend much of
Star Trek: The Next Generation
‘s “Sins of the Father” scouring through the ship’s computers for ways to help Worf.

Although Kurn initially agrees to serve as Worf’s cha’DIch (or second), he is ambushed and severely injured. Worf then asks Picard to stand with him as his cha’DIch, which Picard accepts by repeating the traditional acceptance phrase in Klingon. Not only does Picard stand at Worf’s side throughout his challenge, but he also takes the time to learn the proper phrases, rituals, and customs of the Klingons. Jean-Luc Picard’s loyalty and support of his crew are among the many things that make Star Trek: The Next Generation‘s Captain one of Star Trek’s greatest characters.

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