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SEAL Team Season 7 Episode 8 Ending Explained

Spoiler alert: The following article contains spoilers from SEAL Team season 7, episode 8, “Appetite for Destruction.”Bravo continues their mission tracking down Ramon Nazario in SEAL Team season 7, episode 8, but, of course, with personal problems brewing between team members and things haunting them from back home, the hour is full of drama and high-stakes action. The last season of the Paramount+ military drama series is in its home stretch, and before reaching the end, the characters must reach rock bottom. Unfortunately for the Bravo Team in SEAL Team season 7, rock bottom seemingly arrives during episode 8, “Appetite for Destruction.”

season 7 episodes premiere on Sundays at 12:00 AM PT on Paramount+. The series finale, “The Last Word,” drops on Sunday, October 6.

Following the end of SEAL Team season 7, episode 7, Bravo is still in Honduras. The Navy SEALs are on a mission to stop China’s fentanyl drug trade from infiltrating the United States, and that begins with taking down Nazario, a former Honduran Special Forces colonel. Nazario and China have a symbiotic relationship — while Nazario is moving and selling the drugs, China is funding his plans to overthrow the Honduran government. So, taking out Nazario and proving the connection between him and China could bring an end to the threat. However, Bravo’s plans don’t go very smoothly in episode 8.

How Bravo’s Mission In Honduras Goes Wrong

Ross Curtis Interrupts The Mission In SEAL Team Season 7, Episode 8

SEAL Team Season 7 Episode 8 Ending Explained

Bravo is (impatiently, in Jason’s case) waiting for news regarding the stash house they torched during the previous hour in SEAL Team season 7, episode 8. Eventually, they get information on Roberto Dubon, Nazario’s right-hand man, and begin tailing him. Bravo split into four teams of two — Jason and Drew, Sonny and Davis, Ray and Omar, and Trent and Brock. They get close enough to track Dubon’s and his crew’s phones, and Omar plants a tracker on Dubon’s motorcycle. The teams check out different locations where the phones are pinged, and some missions are more eventful than others.

Most of Bravo comes up empty, but Jason, who is much too trigger-happy throughout the hour, pushes the limits, and he, Drew, and Omar find a massive amount of fentanyl at one of the locations. However, Jason is intent on destroying it. As a result, they spend a little too much time at the location where they encounter some of Dubon’s men. Jason kills them, leaving behind a high body count and a suspicious scene, which understandably angers Davis, whose opinion Jason consistently dismisses over the course of the SEAL Team season 7 episode.

Davis learns that a high-level security meeting between the leaders of Nazario’s army is happening at a military staging area camp in the jungle. Nazario won’t be there, but Bravo agrees that now is their chance to weaken him and his operation. However, their plan goes sideways when they spot Ross Curtis, the DEA informant introduced in SEAL Team season 7, episode 4, at the camp. Bravo can’t risk assaulting an American citizen. So, they attempt to evacuate without anyone noticing. Unfortunately, someone stumbles upon one of the lookouts that Bravo killed and alerts the others, resulting in a gunfight.

Going into the last two episodes of the Paramount+ military drama, Bravo will have a big mess to clean up.

The good news is that Bravo escapes unharmed at the end of SEAL Team season 7, episode 8. The bad news is that Curtis’ fate is unknown, and Bravo has made their presence known to Nazario. Going into the last two episodes of the Paramount+ military drama, Bravo will have a big mess to clean up, and if they can’t, it will likely be the end of all their careers.

Why Ray Calls Jason “A Loose Cannon” During Their Op

Jason Is Looking For A Fight

After Mikey’s overdose in SEAL Team season 7, episode 6, Jason hasn’t been the same. He now believes that war has the last word, just like Curtis told him during episode 5, and refuses to think about anything other than fighting. Consequently, Jason takes risks that he normally wouldn’t and shouldn’t be. Bravo begins to notice their leader’s erratic behavior, resulting in Ray calling Jason “a loose cannon.”

The fact that Bravo is working on blowing up a drug trade involving fentanyl, one of the drugs that contributed to Mikey’s overdose, certainly isn’t helping Jason’s trigger-happy behavior in Honduras in
season 7.

Jason is looking for a fight in SEAL Team season 7, episode 8. So, when he, Omar, and Drew go to one of Dubon’s pinged locations, Ray warns Omar to look out for Bravo-1. There’s no stopping Jason, though. As mentioned above, he risks blowing up their whole operation to destroy the discovered fentanyl at the junkyard. Unsurprisingly, Ray (who is spiraling after his confrontation with Ben at Spenser House) reprimands Omar for failing to control Jason. Hopefully, Jason will start to pull himself together soon and actually face what’s plaguing him instead of taking it out on others.

Why Davis Is Accompanying Bravo On Their Deployment

Blackburn Ordered Davis To Go With Bravo

Davis comes clean to Sonny about why she tagged along with Bravo to Honduras in SEAL Team season 7, episode 8 — she’s hiding out from the Army CID. As teased in episode 7, viewers learn that Blackburn discovered Davis had information that might lead to one of Clay’s brothers attacking General Decker. Essentially, Blackburn knows Davis told Sonny about Decker being to blame for the Mali mission. So, Davis sent her to Honduras, hoping the situation would blow over back at home with her gone.

SEAL Team Season 7 Episode #

Episode Title



Release Date


“Chaos in the Calm”

Christopher Chulack

Spencer Hudnut and Dana Greenblatt

August 11, 2024


“Chaos in the Calm Pt. 2”

Christopher Chulack

Mark H. Semos and Kinan Copen

August 11, 2024


“Ships in the Night”

S.J. Main Muñoz

Tom Mularz and Stephen Gasper

August 18, 2024


“Heroes and Criminals”

Mark H. Semos

Ariel Endacott and Madalyn Lawson

August 25, 2024


“A Perfect Storm”

Jessica Paré

Dana Greenblatt and Leanne Koch

September 1, 2024


“Hundred-Year Marathon”

David Boreanaz

Tyler Grey and Maggie Stabile

September 8, 2024


“Mission Creep”

Lionel Coleman

Tom Mularz

September 15, 2024


“Appetite for Destruction”

Ruben Garcia

Dana Greenblatt and Brian Beneker

September 22, 2024


“The Seas and the Hills”


Peter Rudolph and Mac Bundick Jr

September 29, 2024


“The Last Word”

Christopher Chulack

Spencer Hudnut

October 6, 2024

Clay’s death in SEAL Team season 6 continues to haunt Bravo during its final run of episodes. It’s only a matter of time before Sonny is exposed for punching Decker, likely ending his career. Perhaps that wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world, though, if it finally pushes Sonny and Davis together.

What Happens After Davis & Sonny’s Kiss?

Davis & Sonny Kiss While Tracking Roberto Dubon

Sonny Quinn (A.J. Buckley) and Lisa Davis (Toni Trucks) chatting in a bar in SEAL Team Season 7 Episode 1
Image via Paramount+

Davis and Sonny’s on-and-off relationship continues into SEAL Team season 7 when they are partnered during an undercover mission. While tracking Dubon, Davis and Sonny act like a couple and dance. When they think they have been found out, Davis quickly kisses Sonny to sell their romance. However, Davis later asserts that the kiss meant nothing because of their current situation.

With the CID investigation into Decker’s assault, rekindling their flame would bring more eyes to Davis and Sonny. The two main SEAL Team characters would risk further exposing their involvement in the assault. However, if that wasn’t an issue, it seems as if Davis and Sonny wouldn’t hesitate to get back together in the Paramount+ military drama series.

Why Omar Opens Up About His Past & How He Lost His Son

Omar Lost Custody Of His Son

Omar is one of the newer members of Bravo in Paramount+’s SEAL Team, meaning that viewers (and his brothers) are still learning new things about him and his past. While waiting for their next mission, Omar and Drew ask Sonny about his relationship with Davis. However, Sonny turns things back around on Omar, asking about his son, Mo. So, Bravo-2 opens up about why he hasn’t seen his child in years in SEAL Team season 7.

Omar’s ex-wife got full custody of Mo, and now, he sends his son presents from “Uncle Omar,” suggesting that Mo doesn’t know Omar is his father.

When their son was two years old, Omar’s wife cheated on him with one of his Navy SEAL teammates. After finding out, Omar turned to alcohol and it took him years to get clean. Omar’s ex-wife got full custody of Mo, and now, he sends his son presents from “Uncle Omar,” suggesting that Mo doesn’t know Omar is his father. It’s unclear if Omar’s story ends here since only two episodes remain in SEAL Team season 7, but it’s good to finally know more about his past before transferring to Bravo.

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