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The Character Winona Ryder Was Urged Not To Play Became One Of Her Most Iconic

During recent interviews for the theatrical release of Beetlejuice 2, Winona Ryder opened up about some of her past film roles, including Heathers, admitting that she almost turned down one of the most iconic roles of her career. The role of Veronica Sawyer in Heathers is one of Winona Ryder’s most notable, but she almost didn’t play the part. When she was offered the role back in the late 1980s, Winona’s agent ‘begged’ her not to take the role due to its dark nature, claiming that it would ruin her career before it had even begun.

Since the film’s initial release in 1989, it has become a cult classic in its own right. Although Heathers didn’t perform well at the box office, it has since become a lot more popular in recent years, showcasing the range of Winona Ryder’s acting abilities. Heathers was adapted into a Broadway musical in 2010 and has gained different interpretations over the years. This has made Winona Ryder’s role of Verona Sawyer even more iconic and nostalgic, with audiences comparing the original Heathers to the stage adaptation.

Winona Ryder Almost Didn’t Play Veronica In Heathers

The Role Was So Dark That It Put The Future Of Her Career At Risk

For Bazar, Winona Ryder explained how the role of Veronica Sawyer came to be. During the audition process for Heathers, Winona Ryder faced many challenges in gaining the role of Veronica Sawyer. Her first challenge came when the casting directors didn’t think she was “pretty enough” to play the role. Because of this, the actress raced to the Macy’s counter across the road to get a makeover. She then went back to the casting directors, after which the role was officially offered to her.

However, once Winona was offered the role, her agent apparently begged her not to accept the job. According to her agent, the dark themes of Heathers were offensive in Hollywood. He feared the film would have ruined Winona’s career before she even began. Ryder admitted that she was fired from another job around the same time as Heathers because the creative team found offense to the themes of the film. Winona Ryder had to choose between listening to her agent or following her own path and choosing the role she wanted to play.

Winona Went Against Her Agent And Played The Role Anyway

Her Choice Led To Her Playing One Of Her Most Iconic Film Roles

The Character Winona Ryder Was Urged Not To Play Became One Of Her Most Iconic

Winona’s choice to play Veronica Sawyer in Heathers was probably one of the best of her career. The film is a favorite among audiences, and it also showcases her talents. Beetlejuice was released in 1988, the year before Heathers, allowing audiences to see Winona as a goth teen. Heathers gave audiences a chance to view Ryder in a new light, as a delicate figure while also being a strong character. Audiences were also able to see Winona Ryder in a romantic role for the first time, paired with Christian Slater, leading to her future roles in films like Mermaids.

(… ) more people are probably seeing Winona Ryder in the role of Veronica today than back in 1989 when the film was first released.

Despite the film being released in 1989, Winona Ryder’s appearance in Heathers has contributed to her remaining relevant today. The audiences of the stage show could feel inclined to go back and watch the original film, allowing them to see Ryder in the role. As well as this, the fact that Heathers is a cult film means that there has been a surge in viewing figures for the film in the years after its release. This means that more people are probably seeing Winona Ryder in the role of Veronica today than back in 1989 when the film was first released.

The Legacy Of Veronica Sawyer Still Lives On Today

When deciding whether or not to take on the role of Veronica Sawyer in Heathers, it is clear that Winona Ryder made the right choice. Not only has the original film gained a mass following in the years following its release in 1989, but a Broadway musical of the film has been adapted for the stage, making the concept of Heathers more popular today than ever. The musical is so popular that it is selling out during its current 2024 UK tour. Even television shows such as Riverdale have parodied the musical version of Heathers in a special musical episode.

The character of Veronica Swayer is still relevant, which is a huge achievement for a character that first appeared in a film 35 years ago. Despite the initial difficulties, by allowing herself to be involved in the film Heathers, Winona Ryder has been part of something so special and iconic that is loved even more in today than when it was first released.

Source: Bazar

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