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Coppola Recalls Undermining Controlling Producer On 1960s War Movie

Francis Ford Coppola describes his experience working with controlling producers on Is Paris Burning?. Released in 1966, Is Paris Burning is a war film that chronicles resistance groups forming to fight against the Germans during WW2 France. Is Paris Burning? was directed by René Clément and featured a leading cast including Jean-Paul Belmondo, Charles Boyer, Leslie Caron, and Jean-Pierre Cassel. While Coppola did not direct the film, he was involved in writing the screenplay for Is Paris Burning?

As per Korbini, Coppola explains how he got around the word of a controlling producer while working on Is Paris Burning? According to the screenwriter, Is Paris Burning had a producer named Paul Graetz who was “very domineering.” As part of this act of control, Graetz did not want director René Clément to have anything to do with the script of Is Paris Burning? When the original screenwriter died and Coppola took over, however, he took matters into his own hands to get the director’s opinion. This did not work out well for Coppola, as he describes in the story below:

This is a movie that of course, I don’t think is very good. Is Paris Burning? It is made by René Clément. René Clément is a wonderful director. But this was produced by a German named Paul Graetz. And Paul Graetz was very domineering. And he hired René Clément with the provision that René Clément could not work on the script. He didn’t feel that René Clément’s talent lay with the script, so he was prohibited to work on the script, he just had to direct the script that was given to him by the writers. And this guy, Paul Graetz, there were a bunch of writers. And since it was financed by Paramount, that had American components with the Americans, they sent me as a young writer to work with Anthony Vellier, who was a famous American writer who worked with John Houston for years and years and years. And Vellier was, I guess he was sick. And they told me, if the pencil falls from his hand, my job was to pick it up. So I was here in Paris with my young family, my wife and my three kids, uh two kids, one was more in Paris. And Vellier did die. And I thought it was wrong that René Clément not have the right to tell me what he want. He’s the director, I wanted to serve the director. So I wrote the script in English, and I had it translated into French. And every morning I made the page, it was English on the top and French on the bottom. And I gave it to Clément and I took Clément’s notes. I did what he asks, he said ‘oh, I think this, I think that.’ Well one morning I’m in bed and there’s a knocking on the door. And two motorcyclists were outside, all in black. And they said, you must go see the producer, Paul Graetz. I get in a taxi, and the taxi follows the two motorcyclists, and they take me to this German Paul Graetz, who is a big German guy with a bald head. And standing next to him is the director, René Clément, and Graetz says to me ‘you have RUINED my script!’ How do you say that? He said, well I can see what you’re writing here, and it’s ruining the script. I said ‘well, I’m doing what your director wants.’ And he looks the the director, and says to René Clément, ‘is this true?’ And René Clément says ‘absolutment pas.’ Because René wasn’t supposed to. So he said to me ‘you are ruining my script, I was making films 20 years or 40 years before you were born.’ And I said ‘I will be making films 40 years after you die.’ And he died a week later. So I wish I had said 60 years. But that is the story of René Clément. I saw the film, I didn’t like it at all, but I was embarrassed, it said my name, it said screenplay by Francis Ford Coppola and Gore Vidal.

What This Experience Meant For Francis Ford Coppola’s Career

Coppola Went On To Write Most Of His Own Films

At the time that Is Paris Burning? was released, Coppola was only 27 years old. He had directed a couple of films, but he was not nearly the filmmaking giant he is now. Is Paris Burning? was released six years before The Godfather, which would catapult Coppola into a newfound respect for filmmaking. But at his young age, it makes sense why he could not have gotten the same level of respect on the set of Is Paris Burning? To Graetz, Coppola was but a young writer with less industry knowledge than a producer.

Looking at Coppola’s career, it is reasonable to guess that his experience working on the Clément film influenced how he himself went about his filmmaking. Unlike the set of Is Paris Burning, Coppola often writes and directs his own movies. This is true for all three The Godfather movies, as well as Apocalypse Now and The Conversation. Doing both jobs allows any director more creative control, and the screenwriting credit is likely one he held onto even more after his Is Paris Burning? experience.

How Coppola Has Gained Even More Over His Projects Over Time

Coppola Is More Fully Involved In Megalopolis

Coppola Recalls Undermining Controlling Producer On 1960s War Movie
Image via Lionsgate

Looking at the director’s story about Is Paris Burning?, I’m fascinated by how far Coppola has come since these early days. Now, the director’s upcoming film is Megalopolis, a movie that Coppola wrote, directed, produced, and largely self-funded. With Megalopolis, Coppola has gone to the other end of the spectrum in terms of creative control, exacting fairly complete control. Megalopolis‘ reviews are already mixed, so exactly how this control will work out for the director remains to be seen.

Source: Korbini / YouTube

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