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How To Increase Trust In Frostpunk 2

In Frostpunk 2, gaining the trust of those below you is one of the most essential pieces of completing the game. Without trust, you might lose a fair number of people and even your entire rule. You do not want mass city-wide protests to break out against you, so here are the various ways to keep your citizens feeling secure in your leadership.

With the divisive sequel Frostpunk 2 recently released, players can now start controlling a new city with strong or questionable morals. Players can choose how to build and run the new city, balancing various promises and resources while keeping their own goals at the forefront. This will result in trust being gained or, more often, lost, so players will want to know how to regain it and increase it even more.

How Trust With Factions Work In Frostpunk 2

Building Faction Support

How To Increase Trust In Frostpunk 2

The biggest part of trust in Frostpunk 2 is the support you build and gain from the Factions. Their trust matters more than anything else, as most of the methods used that affect trust go through the Factions. You will want to prioritize the Factions with the highest membership percentage, swaying them to your side and keeping them in line with your own goals.


Is Frostpunk 2 On Xbox Game Pass?

Frostpunk 2 could be the most exciting game of the year for city-builder and survival fans, so the question of Game Pass availability is a big one.

Factions that trust you are more likely to vote with you and provide different kinds of bonuses. Alternatively, if they distrust you, they will likely cause those riots mentioned earlier, as well as sabotage the districts and attempt to vote you out. That, if you get that far, is a game over.

A faction’s approval depends on three different categories of values:
adaptation/progress, equality/merit, and reason/tradition

The Factions come in two main groups, campaign Factions and Utopia Mode Factions. They will either appear by default or as a result of a decision made by you during gameplay. There are nine total, with only seven allowed to be in play at any given time. Each has its own beliefs and core values, which are noted in the table below. Favoring the beliefs of a Faction will keep it on your side.





New Londoners



Equality & Tradition


Progress, Merit, & Reason


Adaption, Equality, & Tradition


Progress, Adaptation, & Reason


Survival At All Costs




Favors Captain’s Rule Laws

Try to pick Factions and select the ones you know you want to keep on your side early. That way, you can make your decisions accordingly and stay in charge.

How To Gain a Faction’s Trust

Promises, Agendas, and Funding

Since Factions are so important to your cause and staying in the game, here are the main ways you can keep them all happy. In addition to the tips below, keeping your city from getting too cold in Frostpunk 2 can go a long way to keeping people happy.

Keeping A Promise

One of the more popular ways to increase trust with a particular Faction is to make a promise, but there is a trick to it. You will usually be given three options for what kind of promise to make, some of which may interfere with other goals, promises, or agendas you have in place. You will have to pick the right one because the trick is that you must fulfill the promise within a certain amount of time for it to increase trust successfully.

If you fail on your promise, you will lose favor and trust, so you will want to ensure that you can fulfill it. To see an example of these promises, see Gamers Heroes’ video on YouTube. If given the option, do not break a promise, as this will not help you.

Granting An Agenda

This is a slightly riskier option, as if granted, the chosen Faction will be allowed to bring whatever law they want to the next Council. You will have no control over which one they choose, but the trust will increase immediately.

However, if the law they bring would be actively harmful to your own goals and the city itself if passed, you can try to negotiate them away from it. Of course, if you also want to be a little evil in Frostpunk 2, having them propose a harmful Agenda could be helpful for you, too.

Funding Projects

Heatstamps are a big part of Frostpunk 2, and they are a major resource you will have to manage throughout the game. Getting them is important, as is choosing how to spend them. In this case, you can give a Faction a certain amount of Heatstamps to help them with their Agenda. This is fairly bribe-like, but it does work immediately.

Be careful, however, that you do not do this too many times for one Faction without doing so for others. The other Factions will start to notice if the same Faction receives funding repeatedly while theirs does not. Like many things in this game, it is a matter of balance.


This one is more clearly stated by the game, as when laws come up, you will be informed of the positive or negative impact of the law. The main concern is that some laws will affect different Factions in different ways, so be aware of that as you attempt to decide what to do with each law that comes up in Council. Remember that laws can be negotiated so that everyone is happy or unhappy.

Negative Impacts

Remember that all of the above can also have a negative impact if something were to fail. Laws can often go either way, and a bad Faction agenda can go badly wrong if you do not negotiate against it. This makes it imperative to be careful and to choose wisely when you want to increase trust. Knowing which Factions align with your goals the most and trying to spawn them before the others can also be helpful.

Remember that some abilities that you have, like those that can alter operations, can also affect the Faction reputation – mostly negatively. These abilities can be turned off to avoid the negative hit. The main thing to keep in mind is that abilities in any colony can affect your trust with a Faction anywhere. This shows that everything you do has some consequences.

Once you have reached the point where your trust has increased in your current Factions, you should try to keep it there. While you may have another agenda hidden up your sleeve, you can keep that hidden until you have to pivot. This allows you to accomplish your goals while keeping your city mildly happy in Frostpunk 2, regardless of how it goes in the end.

Source: Gamers Heroes/YouTube

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