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Saturday, September 28, 2024

Report into death of teenager Aoife Johnston in overcrowded A&E cost nearly €120,000, HSE reveals

Report into death of teenager Aoife Johnston in overcrowded A&E cost nearly €120,000, HSE reveals

The report commissioned in January was expected to be completed in weeks, but took seven months as the scale of the work involved ­expanded.

A spokeswoman said the cost of the report was €119,998. That includes payments to Mr Clarke as well as to barrister Sarah Walsh, who supported him in his work.

It also includes payment for stenography costs to Gwen Malone Stenography services.

The total is inclusive of Vat, the spokeswoman said.

Sixteen-year-old Aoife, from Shannon, Co Clare, died in University Hospital Limerick on December 19, 2022 from meningitis-related sepsis after waiting 13 hours in the emergency department for antibiotics.

The report, which runs to about 200 pages, concluded that her death could almost certainly have been avoided, and it detailed the failures to diagnose sepsis on time as the hospital emergency department was overcrowded.

Six senior staff are facing disciplinary proceedings on the foot of the report.

It may well be very challenging to have a full nursing complement in place in time

The hospital will struggle with further overcrowding this winter as additional beds will not come on stream until next June.

A 96-bed block is under construction, but when old stock is taken out, it will mean only an extra 71 beds.

The Clarke report said: “There is currently under construction a new block which will contain 96 additional beds.

“There is a question as to whether adequate staffing will be available at that time to enable the block to become operational as soon as practicable after it is ready.

“As identified in the context of the additional nursing staff approved for the emergency department in the middle of 2022 – but who were not in place by the tragic events of December – it is clear that it currently takes 15 to 18 months from the time when additional nursing staff numbers are approved to nurses being recruited and being actually in a position to work.

“The investigation was informed that it has only been in the very recent past that app­roval was given for the employment of staff to service the new block.

“Having regard to previous experience, it may well be very challenging to have a full nursing complement in place in time.

“It does seem to me that there would be considerable merit in questions surrounding the approval of staff numbers being dealt with at the same time as approval for capital expenditure which is needed to construct or adapt premises to provide extra capacity.”

This article incorrectly stated that the report into Ms Johnston’s death cost €199,998.37, a few cents under €200,000. This was updated on Saturday, September 28 to reflect the true cost of €119,998.

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