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A Tarot Reading About Love & Sex: Week Of September 30

While any relationship will have its fair share of ups and downs, it’s always a relief when your love life enters its stable and secure era. Sometimes it happens naturally, and other times you have to put in the work, but it always feels worth it when you end up with someone who truly has your back.

Could that energy be coming your way in the week ahead? To see what’s in store, Letao Wang, an astrologer and spiritual counselor, pulled three cards to answer a set of romance-related questions that can be applied universally, regardless of your relationship status, and shared advice for navigating it all.

Card 1: What do I need to know about dating and relationships this week?

A Tarot Reading About Love & Sex: Week Of September 30

With its giant hand bursting through a gray cloud, the Ace of Swords signifies breakthroughs, mental clarity, and success. “This week, expect an enlightening conversation that may cut through misunderstandings or emotional fog in your relationship,” says Wang.

The energy of this card suggests you’ll have an honest, direct conversation with a partner and that it’ll shed light on an issue or question that’s been lurking beneath the surface. It’s so easy to keep secrets from partners, especially when you’re worried the truth will change their opinion of you, but let this card be a reminder that honesty has a way of bringing people closer together.

“Be prepared to embrace these revelations with an open heart and mind,” he says. “This card is always associated with decisions, too, so some mutual decisions might need to be made between you and your partner.” Maybe you’ve been on the fence about taking things to the next level or you’re waffling about moving in together. The answer could become crystal clear in the days ahead.

If you’re single, the Ace of Swords suggests you’ll have a revelation as well, but yours will focus on what you want to gain from your love life. It could come at any moment, like when you’re going through the drive-thru or coming home from work. It’ll hit you like a bolt of lightning, and just like that, you’ll envision what you want in a relationship in high definition.

Card 2: How can I attract more love this week?

Wouldn’t it be nice if your soulmate came knock, knock, knocking on your door? In an ideal world, you wouldn’t have to leave your house to find true love. Instead, the right person would magically fall into your lap while you stayed home and watched Gilmore Girls for the hundredth time.

While you will eventually have to venture out to meet someone, The Hermit gives you permission to stay in and think this week. “This card calls for introspection and self-awareness as a means to attract love,” says Wang, so feel free to lie low as you ponder your next romance-related move.

“Take a step back to assess your own needs and desires before seeking out connections,” he says. If you aren’t having any magical a-ha moments — like the Ace of Swords suggests above — that’s your cue to embrace solitude as a way to better hear your inner voice. As you get more in tune with yourself, Wang says it’ll become easier to attract people who match your energy. They may not come knocking at your door, but the connections you make will feel easier, natural, and a million times more genuine.

If you’re in a relationship, consider having a night away from your partner this week. Embrace your inner Hermit as you spend time journaling or reflecting on life, love, and your five-year plan. Closer to the weekend, it might be a good idea to stay in with your partner, too. Instead of attending a bustling get-together, forgo the RSVP and enjoy some quiet, quality time together as a way to reconnect.

Card 3: How does my date or significant other feel about me this week?

If you’re single, the King of Wands is here to remind you that you need to look for a partner who respects your success — and to avoid anyone who feels intimidated by it. As you scroll the apps, Wang recommends keeping an eye out for people who are just as confident as you are.

If you just started seeing someone, they might start texting you more than usual in the days ahead, and it’ll quickly become obvious they can’t get enough of you. While it’s still important to protect your boundaries and your time — even in the early days of love — it’s also OK to get excited about their excitement. Hopefully the feelings are mutual.

If you’re in a long-term relationship, don’t be surprised if your significant other goes above and beyond to express their affection for you. They might bring you flowers, plan an over-the-top date night, or make a mushy post about you on Instagram. The suit of wands is all about optimism and energy, so expect to see a lot of that this week.

“The King of Wands represents a vibrant and charismatic energy,” says Wang. It has a powerful, enthusiastic, passionate vibe — and those are all good things when it comes to love. When your partner thinks about you, they see someone who has a lust for life. “They may feel motivated by your confidence and charm, viewing you as a strong and dynamic presence,” he says.


Letao Wang, astrologer, tarot reader, spiritual counselor

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