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How To One-Hit Kill Spec Ops Soldiers

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The Special Forces in Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster are extremely hard to take down in one shot if you do not know exactly what to do. Taking one down can cost you a lot of bullets, and not defeating one is even worse. As they are like a mini-boss, Frank can get a lot of experience and a good weapon for taking one down, but that is somewhat negated by the fact that Frank can also end up getting captured in a worse spot than he was before.

To get to the end of the Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster, players will have to survive a full 72 hours in a zombie-infested Willamette Parkview Mall. Unfortunately, as your survival stint continues, you will be joined by elite special ops soldiers sent in by the military who are on a mission to eliminate not just the zombies but any survivors in the mall as well. This can make Frank’s task of surviving much harder, especially as they always seem to notice when he’s about.

All Special Ops Soldier Location & Appearance Time

Where & When They Appear

How To One-Hit Kill Spec Ops Soldiers

Frank will start encountering these Special Ops Soldiers on the 3rd day of the regular 72-hr Mode. They will quickly become the biggest threat you have to deal with, and it can make your goal to clear the last day much harder. Luckily, they will also disappear around 10 a.m., allowing you to go about your day until the end of the game.

However, they will come back in Overtime Mode and will not leave. They are the main threat of the game in Overtime Mode, which will make things harder. They are hard to beat, and they come in with soldiers, a drone, and a helicopter gunship. You will also have a final battle in Overtime Mode with the leader of the Special Forces, Brock Mason, and an accompanying XML Prototype Tank.

Here is a working list of where the Special Forces soldiers are located in the Mall, specifically in Overtime Mode, to help you understand how to evade them.


# Of Spec Ops

Al Fresca Plaza


Entrance Plaza


Food Court


Seon’s Food & Stuff


Crislip’s Home Saloon

About 10

Other North Plaza Locations

One each

Paradise Plaza




Colby’s Movieland


Wonderland Plaza

Unclear At This Time (1 each likely)

The hardest part of dealing with the Special Forces is how hard they are to kill. You cannot use a headshot to one-hit them; their helmets make that nearly impossible. They also all have very strong weapons, such as assault rifles and even rocket launchers. They do not always have to reload it and can take you out quickly. They will also try to hit any survivors you rescue in Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster.

They mostly shoot when you arrive close to them if they have assault rifles, but those with more long-ranged weapons will train a red line on you, at which point you
need to dodge or get behind cover

If you get caught, you will end up in a cutscene tied up in a helicopter in the Leisure Park parking lot. At that point, you will have to try to escape and use a quick-time event to get away when the soldiers have their backs to you. However, every time you want to get away and fail, you will lose 2-hrs of game time and have to keep trying in just your underwear and no weapons.

How To One-Hit Kill Spec Ops Soldiers

Guns Are Bad

The Special Ops Soldiers are all bullet sponges. Their helmets will keep you from shooting their heads, and you will have to use something powerful to take them down in just a couple of shots. This could be a shotgun, rocket launcher, or sniper rifle. If you are willing to spend a couple of bullets, this is one of the only ways to take the Special Ops out from a distance. But there is no way to use a gun to take them out in one shot.

If melee weapons are more your thing, you can take the Special Ops soldiers out in just a few slashes. Cliff’s machete and Sean’s ceremonial sword are the most effective, but even this will not do it in one shot. If they have not seen you, you can go ahead and slash them and take them out before they see you or try to find you.

Defeating them will give you
5000 PP per soldier
, as they are considered Psychopaths by the game.

You will have to try something else to take them out in one hit. You will instead have to perform a grabbing skill move. There are a fair number of these; you should have unlocked at least one. This does require getting close and tanking the damage if they see you, so there is still a fair amount of risk involved, but it is also the only way to take them out without using any resources.

The melee skills that are guaranteed to take them out are the Lift Up, Hammer Throw, Suplex, Face Crusher, and Disembowel, some of which are behind a pretty high-level requirement. You can see an example in YouTuber Banky’s Mad Gaming Skillz video. To get an idea of when to unlock these skills, see the table below:


Level Needed

Lift Up




Hammer Throw


Face Crusher




The main issue with this tactic is that when Special Ops soldiers are grouped together, you will have to tank a lot of damage to ensure you do not end up imprisoned. Be careful and try to approach without being seen. If they have seen you, you will want to try out some of your other moves. You will want to use your roll and move from side to side to close the distance as quickly as possible.

With that, you should be able to approach fast and without being seen, but if you want to stay on the dodge button, Luckily, the melee moves are not as hard to trigger in the Remaster compared to the original Dead Rising, so it should be easier now. And that is how you can one-hit the Special Ops Soldiers in the Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster and save yourself a lot of bullets and time wasted.

Video Credit: Banky’s Mad Gaming Skillz/YouTube

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