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There’s No Way These 4 Fourth Wing Characters All Survive Onyx Storm, Right?

The stakes of The Empyrean Series are higher than ever going into Onyx Storm, and I’m doubtful Violet and all her closest friends will survive the next Fourth Wing sequel. On the heels of Iron Flame‘s twist ending, there’s a lot to worry about heading into its follow-up. Xaden and Violet’s relationship is likely to face more hardships now that Xaden is venin, and Violet must also grapple with the grief of losing her mother in the second Empyrean Series novel. There’s still a war looming, too, and it’s likely to claim more lives before Rebecca Yarros’ story is through.

Many readers are expecting Onyx Storm to be ruthless about killing off characters, and its blurb suggests they might be right. In addition to this new Onyx Storm reveal supporting a huge theory about Violet’s second signet, the description also teases that “a storm is coming… and not everyone can survive its wrath” (via Instagram). There are numerous characters who could perish in the upcoming Fourth Wing sequel. And thanks to Iron Flame, we can assume at least one of Violet’s best friends will join the list of casualties.

There’s No Way Violet & Her Friends Survive Onyx Storm After Iron Flame’s Foreshadowing

The 4 Of Them Make A Pact To Survive Basgiath Together

There’s No Way These 4 Fourth Wing Characters All Survive Onyx Storm, Right?
Custom Image by Simone Ashmoore

Violet and her friends are in their second year at Basgiath War College in Iron Flame, and four of them make a pact to survive whatever obstacles the school throws at them. These characters are, of course, Violet, Rhiannon, Sawyer, and Ridoc. And given how ruthless Yarros can be when it comes to The Empyrean Series’ stakes, this promise likely means one of them will die in an upcoming book. It’s possible it will happen in Onyx Storm, especially now that Basgiath’s students will be focusing more on battles than lessons.

Although the characters’ vow to one another is heartwarming, it feels unrealistic in a world where so many dragon riders perish simply from training to join the military.

Although the characters’ vow to one another is heartwarming, it feels unrealistic in a world where so many dragon riders perish simply from training to join the military. And the fact that Yarros includes this at all suggests she could be foreshadowing one of the major deaths in Onyx Storm or a later sequel. Only time will tell if this is the case, but having Violet, Rhiannon, Sawyer, and Ridoc survive feels a bit too optimistic for a world like Yarros’.

Killing One Of Violet’s Closest Friends Will Raise The Stakes Of The Next Fourth Wing Book

It Will Continue An Empyrean Series Trend & Make The War Feel More Real

Iron Flame‘s pact foreshadows the death of one of Violet’s friends, but that’s not the only reason this makes sense for Onyx Storm. While Fourth Wing and Iron Flame have high stakes as-is, Onyx Storm is poised to be a turning point for The Empyrean Series. It promises to test Violet and Xaden more than ever, and as the middle book of the series, it will likely push the war with the venin from bad to worse. With that in mind, it makes sense to kill someone close to Violet. Doing so will raise the stakes significantly.

It will also make Violet even more determined to defeat the enemy heading into the back half of The Empyrean Series. The death of Liam and her mother already drives her, but losing one of the people she’s come to depend on could push her over the edge. It could also help confirm the theory that Violet’s second signet is speaking to the dead, assuming that turns out to be correct.

Which Of Fourth Wing’s Core Four Characters Is Most Likely To Die In Onyx Storm

The cover of Onyx Storm by Rebecca Yarros against a blue background with lightning
Custom Image by Yeider Chacon

It’s hard to say which of Fourth Wing‘s “core four” could perish in Onyx Storm, though it almost certainly won’t be Violet. With two more books planned for The Empyrean Series, it’s safe to assume Violet makes it through book three. Sawyer also seems unlikely, as he has a death scare at the end of Iron Flame. He loses his leg, which seems like enough to throw at him for some time. Plus, he’ll need to recuperate from that before he can rejoin the war effort. This means he’ll be out of danger for a while.

Onyx Storm
comes out on January 21, 2025.

That leaves Rhiannon and Ridoc, both of whom could join the death toll of Onyx Storm. Rhiannon is Violet’s best friend, so her death would be incredibly tragic. Unfortunately, it would also feed into the “bury your gays” trope. Yarros seems thoughtful about representation in her romantasy series, so she may not be so willing to kill Rhiannon in Onyx Storm . As a comic relief character, however, Ridoc is a strong contender. His demise could be exactly what Onyx Storm needs to get the gravity of its central conflict across — and break our hearts in the process.

Source: Instagram

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