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What’s Next For Charlie & Nick’s Relationship

Warning! This article contains spoilers for Heartstopper season 3.

Heartstopper season 3 centers once more on its central relationships, with Nick and Charlie’s taking a more mature direction that sets up big stories for season 4. The show’s new season focused heavily on Charlie and Nick’s relationship, though not without losing the beautiful sense of community Heartstopper is known for. From Charlie and Nick telling each other they love each other to thinking about the next steps in their lives decorated by Heartstopper‘s signature animated moments, the show still keeps the core group mostly together.

However, Heartstopper season 3’s ending is different in the sense of maturity it possesses. While Heartstopper‘s feel-good needle drops and funny moments are prevalent, the exploration of mental health, LGBTQ+ identities, and the overall troubles of life are explored in a thought-provoking way. Leading on nicely from Heartstopper season 2’s ending, season 3’s story keeps the stories of Nick, Charlie, Elle, Tao, Isaac, Tara, Darcy, and Imogen to the fore while introducing stronger character arcs for those formerly in the background and setting up stories for season 4.

Charlie & Nick’s Relationship In Heartstopper Season 3 Explained

The Two Central Characters Grow Closer Than Ever

For the most part, Heartstopper season 3’s ending solidifies Nick and Charlie as a strong relationship that has overcome many trials and tribulations. That said, most of these obstacles came in Heartstopper season 3, from the early episodes in which Charlie struggles to tell Nick that he loves him to their time apart as the former deals with his mental health. However, as the season goes on, Charlie and Nick become even more inseparable by confessing their love for one another and taking their intimate relationship to the next stage.

This exploration is depicted beautifully and sensitively, leaving Charlie and Nick’s relationship stronger than ever as of
season 3’s ending…

The latter half of the season, going up to Heartstopper season 3’s ending, deals with Charlie and Nick’s growing physical connection. The two are clearly in love, yet they begin to explore the more sexual side of their connection as they grow older with the show. This exploration is depicted beautifully and sensitively, leaving Charlie and Nick’s relationship stronger than ever as of Heartstopper season 3’s ending, though not without potential speed bumps ahead for season 4 as Nick considers moving away for university.

How Charlie’s Mental Health Storyline Gave Heartstopper Season 3 A Mature Throughline

Charlie’s Character Arc Was Incredibly Powerful

What’s Next For Charlie & Nick’s Relationship
Custom image by SR Staff

Throughout most of Heartstopper seasons 1 and 2, Charlie’s arc predominantly surrounded his relationship with Nick. However, some more mature elements were introduced in Heartstopper season 2’s latter half, specifically the effects Charlie’s bullies had on him, his lack of eating, and self-harm. These elements were explored further in Heartstopper season 3, with Charlie seeking out time at a mental health clinic to deal with his eating disorder.

Although mental health issues in young adults are a common topic for most YA stories, eating disorders are grossly underrepresented. As a result, Charlie’s arc was incredibly powerful in Heartstopper season 3 ending. Not only did it make the character infinitely more sympathetic, but how it affected those around him and eventually strengthened his romantic relationship with Nick is likely a big reason behind Heartstopper season 3’s strong reviews. The maturity shown to allow such hard-hitting subjects to be explored was refreshing, without losing sight of what makes the show special.

Elle’s Art Storyline In Heartstopper Season 3 Explained

Ella & Tao’s Relationship Takes Somewhat Of A Backseat

Elle looking sad in an interview in Heartstopper Season 3 (2024)

In Heartstopper season 3, Elle and Tao spend more time apart given the former’s enrollment in art school. Despite their relationship still going strong and being well-represented, Elle’s love of art gave her a more personal story in Heartstopper season 3. As Elle’s art grew in popularity on social media, she was invited to a local radio station to talk about her experience. While there, however, Elle was bombarded with questions about coming out as trans as opposed to focusing on her art.

This linked to Elle’s self-conscious aspects in her relationship with Tao, as they too grew more intimate together. As of Heartstopper season 3’s ending, though, Elle decided to continue her art in a European school as Tao helped her find her confidence within herself. Interestingly, the raising of several trans movements could mean Elle takes more of an active role in activism in Heartstopper season 4, something that will undoubtedly be explored with the same earnestness that makes the show’s other LGBTQ+ storylines so impactful.

Are Tori & Michael In A Relationship Now?

Charlie’s Sister Tori Gets Much More To Do In Heartstopper Season 3Michael and Tori kneeling outside Charlie's tent in Heartstopper season 3 (2024)

One of the more pleasantly surprising elements that became clear by the time ofHeartstopperseason 3’s ending was Tori’s increased role. While Tori has always been a helpful older sister to Charlie,Heartstopperseason 3 delved much more into her personally, from her connections to her family to her own wants, desires, and relationships. The latter came in the form of Michael, a fan-favorite character from theHeartstoppergraphic novels. InHeartstopperseason 3’s ending, it is revealed that Tori and Michael have been spending a lot of time together, hinting at a relationship going forward.

Tori is eventually revealed as asexual in the Heartstopper source material.

Tori aided Charlie throughout much of Heartstopper season 3, meaning the ending of the season gave Charlie the chance to return to favor. Charlie implored that Tori has a lot of love to give to people besides him. The tearful exchange leads Tori to realize she likes Michael and the two connect further. Intriguingly, a look toward Michael and Tori from Isaac hints that the former two could be in an asexual relationship, implying more exploration for future stories.

Isaac’s Character Growth In Heartstopper Season 3 Explained

Isaac Became One Of Heartstopper Season 3’s Best Characters

Speaking of Isaac, the character’s realization that he is asexual in Heartstopper season 2’s ending gave him a much more active role in season 3’s story. Not only was his exploration of asexuality and aromanticism perfectly handled, but Isaac was given more agency within Heartstopper season 3’s central group. Isaac’s brief argument with Tao about being third-wheeled and his care of Charlie made him one of Heartstopper season 3’s most heartwarming aspects, with his look toward Tori hinting at a greater exploration of both characters in season 4.

In an interview with


in 2022,
creator Alice Oseman hinted that the show would be completed after four seasons, despite a fourth not yet being picked up by Netflix.

Why Tara & Darcy’s Heartstopper Season 3 Relationship Was So Important

Heartstopper’s Supporting Characters Get Just As Important Roles In Season 3

Darcy and Tara staring lovingly into each other's eyes in Heartstopper season 3 (2024)

A great deal of Heartstopper season 3’s focus indeed remains on Charlie and Nick, yet Tara and Darcy’s relationship is just as important for different reasons. In Heartstopper season 3’s ending, Tara’s arc explores the pressures of education, specifically how those who get good grades at school can be pressured into going to better colleges, even if it is not what is best for them. This manifests as a panic attack for Tara in Heartstopper season 3, yet her friendships with Nick and Charlie, and her relationship with Darcy, help her through it.

Where Darcy is concerned, the character undergoes a significant change by the time of Heartstopper season 3’s ending. Darcy begins to explore identifying as non-binary, allowing Heartstopper to explore yet another facet of the LGBTQ+ community in compelling ways. This, combined with Tara’s exploration of her own sexuality and mental health, gives Heartstopper season 3 no shortage of important topics to explore for the younger generation of today.

What Imogen Discovered About Her Sexuality In Heartstopper Season 3

Imogen’s Sexuality Is The Latest To Be Explored

Imogen crying in Heartstopper season 3 (2024)

Heartstopper season 2 ended with the potential connection between Imogen and Sahar. This connection is only furthered in Heartstopper season 3, despite the duo deciding to stay friends. However, this allowed Imogen to realize that she never liked any of the boys she was with and that she liked the attention as it made her feel important. She confesses this to Nick, revealing that she has more exploration to do regarding her own sexuality in Heartstopper season 4 and beyond.

The Real Meaning Of Heartstopper Season 3

Overall, the real meaning of Heartstopper season 3, and the show as a whole, is about being comfortable in one’s own skin. Each of the elements explored in the show by its characters are things that absolutely everyone in life has to go through at some point. The message of Heartstopper season 3 is that no matter how bad it seems or how dark it gets, having people who love and cherish you around you will always make it worthwhile. This, combined with Heartstopper‘s insistence on healthy communication, allows the show to be so special.

How Heartstopper Season 3’s Ending Sets Up Season 4

heartstopper cast with comic background

Finally, the last major question stemming from Heartstopper season 3’s ending is how it sets up season 4. The primary way is that many of the show’s characters are looking at moving away for university. Nick is one such character, who is unsure about moving far away so that he can be close to Charlie, despite wishing to live away from home. This implies that Heartstopper season 4 will explore a long-distance relationship between the two, as well as the many obstacles they will face as a result.

Heartstopper season 3’s ending leaves no shortage of storylines for the show to explore going forward…

The same can be said for Elle and Tao, with the former wishing to go to university in Europe. Meanwhile, Tara’s ultimate decision about her future looms, while Darcy still lacks a relationship with their mother. Tori’s relationship with Michael will undoubtedly be further fleshed out in Heartstopper season 4, as will Imogen and Isaac’s journeys of sexuality. Overall, Heartstopper season 3’s ending leaves no shortage of storylines for the show to explore going forward, making the wait for season 4 that much more difficult.

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