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Eyebrows to rock! | Gardenia Cavalcanti

Carminha (Adriana Esteves), Bibi (Juliana Paes), Emily Cooper (Lily Collins) and Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke) Disclosure

Published 05/05/2024 00:00

It’s not new that people are inspired by television characters to define their looks, which range from clothes, hair style, makeup and even eyebrows. As much as it may seem like a small and inconspicuous part of the body, these little hairs are very important, mainly because they can help express feelings and personality through the eyes.

“The most common requests are generally related to characters from the most popular soap operas at the moment, which end up influencing the general public. However, when we receive such requests, we always reinforce that the natural design of the person’s face is always taken into account”, explains Luzia Costa, CEO of SĂłbrancelhas.

Check out the eyebrow models chosen by actresses who are still a hit on the streets:

Carminha (Adriana Esteves) in ‘Avenida Brasil’: the character was one of the main characters of the last decade, in terms of style influence. Carminha’s eyebrows are notable for their arched and expressive shape, which reflected the manipulative personality in the plot.

Bibi Perigosa (Juliana Paes) in ‘A Força do Querer’: Juliana Paes sports well-defined and arched eyebrows, which contributed to Bibi’s powerful and determined look in the soap opera, being an inspiration to many people at the time.

Emily Cooper (Lily Collins) in ‘Emily in Paris’: Lily Collins has naturally thick, well-defined eyebrows, which are a popular trend these days. It went viral when the series was released because of its natural and elegant look.

Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke) in ‘Game of Thrones’: Emilia Clarke has softer, rounder eyebrows, which match her soft, feminine appearance in the series. At the time, she caught the attention of many viewers.

Take care of your blood pressure
There’s something new about diagnosing high blood pressure! The Brazilian Society of Cardiology published new guidelines this month and the main recommendation is that the measurement carried out in the office is not the only one to be taken into account to determine whether or not a patient is hypertensive. “This is a situation well known to cardiologists. Many patients have what we informally call ‘white coat hypertension’, when the patient becomes stressed and nervous in front of the doctor and ends up having changes in heart rate and blood pressure”, says the cardiologist at Hospital SĂŁo Vicente de Paulo, Aristarco Siqueira Filho.

The cardiologist must instruct his patients to take blood pressure measurements at home and, as necessary, to perform ABPM, an ambulatory blood pressure monitoring test carried out over 24 hours.

“As it is a disease that progresses silently, it is often discovered late. It is also common for patients not to follow the recommended treatment because they do not feel anything different, but controlling hypertension is essential. This condition is responsible for 80% of cases of stroke. Treating hypertension reduces the chances of death from stroke by 40% and by 20% from myocardial infarction”, explains the cardiologist.

To keep levels under control, in addition to keeping up to date with your appointments and exams, the specialist recommends controlling body weight, maintaining a healthy diet with low salt and fat intake, practicing physical activity regularly, not smoking, and avoiding the consumption of beverages. alcohol and control diseases such as diabetes.

Beauty of the Soul
“Failure is a crucial part of success. Every time you fail and recover, you exercise perseverance, which is the key to life. Your strength lies in your ability to pick yourself up again.” (Michelle Obama)

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