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Tuesday, September 24, 2024

LMFM broadcaster Michael Reade tells his loyal listeners he has terminal cancer

LMFM broadcaster Michael Reade tells his loyal listeners he has terminal cancer

In a message broadcast on the station this morning Michael revealed that he has been diagnosed with cancer and the diagnosis was terminal.

Michael has presented his show on LMFM for the past 21 years, winning numerous awards for his journalism. He is currently nominated in two categories at next month’s IMRO Radio Awards.

In a statement to his many loyal listeners, the broadcaster said: “Regular listeners to the station will probably know that I have not been at work in over a month, about 6 weeks now. I know some people listening would like to know why.

“Well, I am not known to stand on ceremony so, I will cut to the chase. I am not well. I am actually very sick.

“I have cancer and I am afraid to say that my diagnosis is terminal. It is an illness in other words that I will not be able to recover from.”

Mr Reade said he had “reconciled” himself with the diagnosis and said, defiantly: “I am not afraid.”

The LMFM broadcaster explained: “I am not devastated. I wish it wasn’t so, but it is – and this is not open to negotiation. It is not an argument I can win. In fact, there just isn’t any argument to be had.

“I understood this more or less the moment I was told that I am dying. You know I thought, I could spend a lot of time being devastated and that, I’m sure, would be understandable to some degree but I thought, I just don’t have enough time left to do that.

“The time that I do have left will be precious and, do I want to use any of it being sad and looking on this as negative?”

Choosing instead to tackle his diagnosis with positivity, Mr Reade said: “The situation I am in now is actually a blessing of sorts as now, I am looking at things that might otherwise have passed me by and I am getting so much pleasure from some very basic, simple things. A smiling face or a kind word, a ray of sunshine, breathing fresh air.

“You won’t be surprised to hear how much I’m enjoying just being able to listen to and watch the majestic seagulls around me.

“But being home with the people I love and knowing they love me, is priceless. There is nothing more important to me.

“Living through, experiencing, what I believe is just a great people-story, as all of my family and friends rally about me. Everyone is parking their sadness and doing what I have asked them to do. That is; to know I am okay with this and that I just want to surround myself now in love and positive vibrations.

“So, there is no sadness around me. All of us are trying to be strong. Trying to be positive and trying to help each other through this – best we can.”

He said he is stepping back from broadcasting for now but expressed the hope that he would get to talk to his listeners again, soon.

But for now, the broadcaster said: “I will need some space, personal space, personal time, time with my family and the people I love and I hope you will understand that and that you will allow me that space please.”

Reflecting on his career, he said: “My first broadcast was 43 years ago. I was just 15 years of age. I am very proud to say that since then I have more or less had a radio programme of my own. I have spent 21 years here in LMFM and while I am prouder than I can say about my programme here, it has honestly been a privilege. A privilege that you listening have given me.

“Thank you for now for that privilege, with my best wishes and of course lots of love and positive vibrations.”

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