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The blackouts caused by Q4 – El Financiero

At the worst moment for Q4, the demand for electricity exceeded the supply offered by the Federal Electricity Commission, whose head, Manuel Bartlett, married the idea of ​​taking away from private capital its interference in the generation of electricity through clean or sustainable energies.

A few days before the biggest elections in history, the entire national electrical system short-circuits, causing million-dollar losses to the industry and the country in general. The most serious thing is that with statements that ignore the underlying problem or blaming the past, the shortage will not be corrected.

There are some plants built by companies that are not connected to the national electrical system and that now that destiny has reached us, AMLO, Bartlett and Cenace will have to swallow their words to interconnect them and thereby alleviate the problem, while the heat subsides and the rains begin.

There are 10 thousand megabytes available from private companies that have been waiting for months for the respective authorization.

The National Energy Control Center (Cenace) is the body that regulates the flow of electricity and maintains the balance between supply and demand and is now declared on maximum alert, and will remain so at least until the end of the six-year term to prevent blackouts are not widespread throughout the country.

Almost six years of wasting public money on pharaonic works and not addressing the growing energy demand with a strategic plan that would allow public-private participation models and thereby ward off the threat of blackouts.

Spending the budget on events at the end of the day has only caused tragedies, pain, death and economic contraction, but what does that matter if we are doing “well” and the election will only be “a procedure.”

The underlying issue is that a power plant, regardless of its energy source, is not built overnight, at least it takes a four to six year process, so the question immediately arises: what the hell is going on? to become the next president to face another crisis, in addition to water, environmental, health, education and energy, among others.

The flag of nationalization and the sovereignty of the 4T has placed the country in a bind and facing a major problem that not only drags down Pemex and the CFE, but all of Mexico, and this is a reflection of the ineptitude of the current rulers.

President López Obrador’s nationalism exploded on the eve of the presidential election and this will have unsuspected consequences for his political project and compromises the electoral victory of Claudia Sheinbaum.

The leap into the past that he took by reversing Enrique Peña Nieto’s energy reform, which guaranteed to meet demand through auctions, was unsuccessful with obvious results.

The energy sovereignty proclaimed by the 4T turned out to be a firecracker that only served to convince the deluded, since it was not sovereignty, because it still depends on the purchase of gasoline abroad, nor were enough power plants built to meet national demand. .

In this administration there has been a persecution against investors and businessmen who decided to invest in the country with the installation of electricity generating plants with clean energy.

Those 10 thousand megawatts that would have been generated from 2018 with the respective auctions would be sufficient at this time to meet the consumption peaks that may even be of the order of 60 thousand megawatts.

The morning litany will not be able to cover the Sun with a finger, although in the populists’ logic what does it matter if there are blackouts, since that will allow families to strengthen their bonds of coexistence.

The ruling party’s candidate will have to do tricks to justify Bartlett’s blackouts and, on the other hand, raise a series of proposals contrary to what her mentor did in the last five years.

The climate emergency caused excessive pressure on the capacity of the electricity reserve margin and with it the blackouts that left half the country without electricity.

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