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The right to learn and the resources allocated to education – El Financiero

In September 2023, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) presented its study “Education Panorama 2023” (Education at a Glance 2023), with data on the structure, finances and performance of education systems in OECD countries and in several partner countries. This study revealed very interesting data for Mexico; For example, while OECD member countries allocate an average of 5.1% of their Gross Domestic Product (GDP) to education, our country invests only 4.5% of GDP in this sector, placing it as one of the member countries that fewer resources are allocated to this important issue.

It also stands out that Mexico spends $3,239 annually for a full-time student, compared to the average spending of $12,647 among OECD member countries. This information is worrying, as is the lack of attention that the Mexican government has given to this issue. The above leads us to several reflections: what does this mean in the daily lives of our students? What shortcomings does it imply in our country’s schools to allocate fewer resources to address them? What could be done with a larger education budget? Is the right to learn of Mexican girls and boys really being fulfilled?

The recent work of Mexicanos Primero has focused on answering some of these questions, placing special emphasis on what the existence of sufficient resources implies to address critical areas in terms of educational infrastructure such as: energy supply, access to drinking water and the availability of independent sanitary facilities. According to calculations based on the Continuous Statistics of Format 911 (2021-2022), only 64.8% of primary, secondary and upper secondary schools have adequate basic services, that is, almost a third of the schools of Mexico do not have the necessary infrastructure to provide a structured framework for learning. Let us not lose sight of the fact that schools are the physical space where knowledge is transmitted, but they are also a dynamic environment that fosters the intellectual, emotional and social growth of students.

The quality of educational infrastructure can have a positive or negative impact on student learning. There are studies that have analyzed the impact that different types of educational infrastructure have on student performance. Recent studies by UNESCO and the World Bank show that a safe, clean, well-ventilated and equipped environment fosters concentration, motivation and engagement in students and teachers. In the educational environment and, above all, in the day-to-day life of school communities, having basic infrastructure constitutes a fundamental pillar to guarantee the health and optimal use of students. Basic services are essential to create a safe, hygienic and conducive environment for learning; Without electricity, technological services or lighting systems do not work; Without drinking water and without sinks, hygiene practices cannot be followed to prevent diseases and maintain the health of the school community.

Allocating a greater budget amount to education will allow us not only to have basic services and cover infrastructure needs, but also to carry out maintenance work that guarantees the safety of girls and boys while they remain in schools. According to the analysis carried out by Mexicanos Primero, the total estimated cost to provide all basic services to schools is a little less than 52 billion pesos, which would imply increasing the current education budget by 6%.

These costs are not minor, but they are crucial to guaranteeing the right to learning for all students. Future education policies need to focus on ensuring that each school is a safe, inclusive and conducive space for learning, through appropriate allocation. We are faced with a unique opportunity for the candidates for the Presidency of Mexico to take this as a priority and advance in guaranteeing the right to education of the girls and boys of our country.

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